Monday, February 24, 2014

The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Los cuentos de Beedle el Bardo)

by J.K. Rowling

It´s a book written by the creator of Harry Potter. They are small short  histories about the universe of the wizard kid. They Are related because they are the stories that are told to children of the wizarding world.
They are five stories, but the one that I like is the last:
 It´s about three brothers wizards wizard brothers that find the Death and it grants them three wishes. The first brother wished be the strongest wizard, the second can revive the deads make dead people come back to life and the third can make you be invisible...
What happened to them? What are the other stories? Read it them!!

They There are also other books related to this universe, one of about Quiditch (the wizards sport), and the other of about animals and fantastic creatures.

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