Sunday, November 3, 2013

Description of a picture.

This photo was taken this August by me in a beautiful town called Calpe. I took it from a path over the beach, so the views where were great.
The high rock in the background is El Peñón de Ifach, the symbol of this place. In its base, there´s a big port, full of boats -we can see some of this these boats sailing.
The beach covers the left and foreground of the picture, and it’s composed from made of stone instead of sand. There are not many people because the weather isn’t good –it’s a cloudy day-, but it might be hot because people are wearing suitsuits swimsuits.
The middle of the picture is all covered by a calm and a bit dark sea.
For me, this is a relaxing place, and I think this these people liked it, because they decided to spend their holidays there.

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